Jacob’s Creek Shiraz Cabernet 750ml – 1 Bottle


Jacob’s Creek Shiraz Cabernet is a red wine that originates from Australia. The History of Jacob’s Creek Shiraz Cabernet can be traced back to 1847 when Johann Gramp planted the first vines in the Barossa Valley. The Region where Jacob’s Creek is produced is renowned for its hot, dry summers and cool winters which make it the ideal climate for growing premium red wine grapes.


Jacob’s Creek Shiraz Cabernet is a red wine that originates from Australia. The History of Jacob’s Creek Shiraz Cabernet can be traced back to 1847 when Johann Gramp planted the first vines in the Barossa Valley. The Region where Jacob’s Creek is produced is renowned for its hot, dry summers and cool winters which make it the ideal climate for growing premium red wine grapes.

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