5 by 5 Aged Citrus Bitters 140mL (per case of 1)


Five by Fives Aged Citrus Bitters are unique by selecting citrus varieties at various stages of maturity from fresh to aged. This gives the Aged Citrus Bitters a wider range of flavours than you will find in any other citrus bitters available, from the aromatic flavour of citrus peel to the savoury flavour of aged tangerine peel.


Five by Fives Aged Citrus Bitters are unique by selecting citrus varieties at various stages of maturity from fresh to aged. This gives the Aged Citrus Bitters a wider range of flavours than you will find in any other citrus bitters available, from the aromatic flavour of citrus peel to the savoury flavour of aged tangerine peel.

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