Disaronno Amaretto 700ml – 1 Bottle


Disaronno Amaretto is a classic Italian liqueur with a history dating back to the 1500s. The Disaronno origin story begins in the small town of Saronno, Italy, where an anonymous Disaronno maker created the world’s first Disaronno recipe. The original Disaronno recipe is still used today and has remained a closely guarded secret for over 500 years.


Disaronno Amaretto is a classic Italian liqueur with a history dating back to the 1500s. The Disaronno origin story begins in the small town of Saronno, Italy, where an anonymous Disaronno maker created the world’s first Disaronno recipe. The original Disaronno recipe is still used today and has remained a closely guarded secret for over 500 years.

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