Grand Marnier Lapostolle Pocelain Empire Decanter Vintage


Grand Marnier Lapostolle Pocelain Empire Decanter Vintage – This particular Cuvée Empire (Empire Decanter) made of porcelain, is a reproduction of a liqueur bottle which belonged to the Emperor Napoleon 1st (1804-1815) and then became Marnier-Lapostolle’s property. This particular Grand Marnier was manufactured using a special blend of superior quality cognacs, mainly from Fine Champagne and aged for at least 6 years. The Cuvee Empire is classified as an intermediary between Grand Marnier Cordon Rouge and Cuvée du Centenaire. The bottle and stopper are in perfect condition.Full / Sealed / Unopened. The porcelain decanter is made in France. This is a VERY rare collectors bottle from about 1976. This is an old, collectable or vintage bottle.

$500.00 See Site View Product

Grand Marnier Lapostolle Pocelain Empire Decanter Vintage – This particular Cuvée Empire (Empire Decanter) made of porcelain, is a reproduction of a liqueur bottle which belonged to the Emperor Napoleon 1st (1804-1815) and then became Marnier-Lapostolle’s property. This particular Grand Marnier was manufactured using a special blend of superior quality cognacs, mainly from Fine Champagne and aged for at least 6 years. The Cuvee Empire is classified as an intermediary between Grand Marnier Cordon Rouge and Cuvée du Centenaire. The bottle and stopper are in perfect condition.Full / Sealed / Unopened. The porcelain decanter is made in France. This is a VERY rare collectors bottle from about 1976. This is an old, collectable or vintage bottle.

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