Laibach LadyBird Organic Red


Laibach proudly presents our South African Ladybird Red 2012. This is our 9th release of this very popular wine. The vintage 2012 was very small for us but the quality was again outstanding. It is great working in an outstanding area with such a great climate to produce consistent organically grown wine. We do not have a fixed recipe for anything at Laibach and we just let nature do the basics for us. Every year we also experiment with a few new things to enhance the colour, flavour and tannin s


Laibach proudly presents our South African Ladybird Red 2012. This is our 9th release of this very popular wine. The vintage 2012 was very small for us but the quality was again outstanding. It is great working in an outstanding area with such a great climate to produce consistent organically grown wine. We do not have a fixed recipe for anything at Laibach and we just let nature do the basics for us. Every year we also experiment with a few new things to enhance the colour, flavour and tannin s

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