MOFO SECRET DEAL Cabernet Blend 2012


Well, well, well, what do we have here? Hot off the back of a lorry from WA, this secret stash comes from one of our fave 5 red star producers. This is litgit cab merlot that’s got a massive thumbs up from special agent Halliday and Wine Showcase, and it’s going for an absolute steal. If you’re looking to lose yourself in mind-bending dark fruits and savoury notes, then this medium-bodied gear is your bag. 


Well, well, well, what do we have here? Hot off the back of a lorry from WA, this secret stash comes from one of our fave 5 red star producers. This is litgit cab merlot that’s got a massive thumbs up from special agent Halliday and Wine Showcase, and it’s going for an absolute steal. If you’re looking to lose yourself in mind-bending dark fruits and savoury notes, then this medium-bodied gear is your bag. 

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