MOFO SECRET DEAL Cabernet Shiraz Malbec 2013


This wine came with a very particular challenge. As I sat down to write about its flavour and aroma, region and history, I was asked to first sum up the vino in one word. Just one word. Do you know how hard that is, mofos? When you’re staring down the glass barrel of a 94 point, South Aussie cabernet shiraz from a 5 red star producer? The answer is really, bloody hard. 


This wine came with a very particular challenge. As I sat down to write about its flavour and aroma, region and history, I was asked to first sum up the vino in one word. Just one word. Do you know how hard that is, mofos? When you’re staring down the glass barrel of a 94 point, South Aussie cabernet shiraz from a 5 red star producer? The answer is really, bloody hard. 

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