Pepperjack Digital Steak Thermometer Gift Pack (In Any Six Price)


Making dinner for family and friends is no longer a daunting task with this gift pack. It comes with a bottle of Pepperjack Shiraz and a digital steak thermonmeter, where the temperature of your steak can now be monitor precisely to your preference. Along with a bottle of bold Barossa’s Shiraz for optimum food matching. This will make a great present for wine and meat lovers.


Making dinner for family and friends is no longer a daunting task with this gift pack. It comes with a bottle of Pepperjack Shiraz and a digital steak thermonmeter, where the temperature of your steak can now be monitor precisely to your preference. Along with a bottle of bold Barossa’s Shiraz for optimum food matching. This will make a great present for wine and meat lovers.

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